The Gigantic Jelly-Blob
The gigantic Jelly-Blob (2015-ongoing) is part of a larger ongoing investigation on the impacts of the digital and immaterial realm in the collective psyche. This realm is now so intrinsically linked to our material world that there is no away, no in and out. Everything is becoming one thing. We have tried revolt and all kinds of fight in order to keep realms separate; and although many battles have been won, we find ourselves exhausted in our effort to escape. Perhaps it is time for a re-framing. What if we revolt by stopping fighting? The audience is invited to participate in a lecture-performance; the ‘jelly-blob’ becomes thus a space for communication, togetherness, and embodiment of ideas. Using fiction and metaphors, they will be invited to share their visions reflections, and ideas. No particular knowledge or skills are required.
The work has been performed at Athens Biennale, transmediale Festival, Cynetart Festival, and the Moscow Biennale for Young Arts. The latest version of the performance “The gigantic Jelly-Blob: the final revolution” is a collaboration with Dimitris Savvaidis.